The Crew


Troy Bacot

Owner & CEO

Troy Bacot is a Certified Fitness Coach and Nutrition Consultant based in New York. As an adolescent, he struggled with being overweight and bouncing between two homes that didn’t prioritize health. This sparked a choice, to stay feeling insecure and unhappy, or to change his narrative. That is when his fitness journey began. He's spent over 10 years perfecting his craft with various mentors along the way. From studying Exercise Science and Sports Management at Rutgers Universtiy, to rising up the ranks at Equinox, becoming one of the top trainers at his location. Troy believes in not only building the bodies of his client, but their minds as well. By using fitness as an outlet, he shows his clients how to cope with everyday stress in a healthy and constructive way while also reaching their body goals. He believes that with hard work and dedication we all can Do BETTER and Be GREATER!


Anthony Campbell

Co-Founder & Director of Operations “Ops”

Co-Founder & Director of Operations “Ops”

Anthony Campbell brings the marketing savvy to the team with an extensive background in multimedia marketing and brand partnerships. Since 2003 he has brokered partnerships with organizations like AT&T, Tidal, Sprint and the Office of the Mayor of NYC. His background starts with radio and has transitioned to digital, programmatic, social and event partnerships as well.

Anthony has two daughters of his own and personally strives to teach them mental and physical strength and well being which is the foundation for Mettle and what we strive to provide the youth and overall community.


Jessica Pierre

Nutrition Coach

Nutrition Coach

Jessie Pierre is a certified nutrition coach on a mission to craft custom meal plans that support I’ll your goals without feeling restrictive. With personalized guidance and a focus on balance, She will help you achieve your health and wellness aspirations with ease. Let's work together to create a healthier, happier you!


Atanes Meronuli

Athletic Trainer & Recovery Specialist

Atanes Meronuli is a certified athletic trainer and recovery specialist who has experience in various modalities for those who have sports injuries and chronic pain. Passionate about empowering clients through tailored fitness programs for optimal healing and performance.